
We believe that attracting, retaining and developing already talented staff is one of the key ways to differentiate you from your competitors in the all-seeing eyes of your customers.

As you search for new ways to improve performance, you must find a way to demonstrate value to your customers, to your organisation – and to your people.  Leadership and management style are clear antecedents to morale, motivation and ongoing performance.

The Leadership Development Needs Analysis provides the core information that is used to target the specific areas for improvement in your organisation. LDNA is a 3600 instrument.  It measures the effectiveness of your leaders in providing answers to questions that represent six factors known to influence people’s performance.

Effective leaders in successful businesses answer these questions

  • How do we get commitment in this organisation?
  • Why are we here and where do I fit?
  • What do we need to do?
  • How are we doing?
  • What’s in it for us?
  • What happens when we need  help?

Leadership Development Architecture

Leadership Development Architecture

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LDNA measures skills performance and, crucially, people’s view of the importance of these skills in helping them achieve their day-to-day objectives.

The results are used in Executive One-on-One Coaching, or to form the basis of a Leadership Programme to develop the skills of people at all levels of management in your organisation.

Our Leadership Programmes are designed to meet the needs identified as critical to your organisation’s success.  The programmes combine classroom theory with experiential learning, together with optional outdoor-based business simulations.

Our on-going research, involving more than 800 participants who have completed L-DNA and our Leadership Programme, continues to provide insight to some of the competencies that are currently seen to be most important in to-days business environment.

16 factors performance v importance

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In Brief

Participants generate confidential 360 feedback on their individual skill levels in critical management competencies.  The report comprises a self- perception, their boss and most importantly their direct reports.  It measures the effectiveness of performance in key people management competency areas- Leadership Culture, Purpose, Goals, Feedback, Motivation, Support and Coaching. It has an internal validation in that it also measures the perceived importance levels of each competency, as seen by each respondent in terms of "helping me assume responsibility in fulfilling my objectives in this company".

The report highlights each participant's key Strengths, Growth Opportunities and Priority Improvement Areas enabling individuals to create Personal Development Plans from the resulting feedback and coaching discussions. It also enables each manager to select future training that will focus specifically on their requirements.

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SCA Consultants | Brookside Villa, Gilsland, CA8 7DA | 016977 47985